
Monday, March 4, 2013

some bloggity business

there's been loads of discussion around the blogs about how much the blogger platform stinks. i feel as though i've been fighting with blogger since day one, whether it's about getting my posts formatted correctly, uploading pics, commenting (darn you captcha!), and just generally not working when i need it to. when i started this blog i wavered between blogger and word press and claimed my blog name at both spots. blogger won out because it seemed less confusing to set up and more customizable. basically i've regretted it ever since.

my fist blog-posted renfrew! shameful it's
taken so long, but i figure everyone is sick
of this pattern by now.

so i've decided to switch over to word press at some point when i have time to deal with that and hopefully it won't be too traumatic. i am concerned that, because this is a picture heavy blog, that those might get lost. and that would be soul crushing.

this is a nice drape-y rayon with a subtle sheen.
not great for hiding the lumps and bumps, but
it's super soft, so i'll deal.

regardless, i will switch and the switch will probably happen on a whim late some night after one too many glasses of wine... so if you wake up to some weird feed of mine in your reader, i'm apologizing now!

paired with my thurlows... it was only right.
i left off the sleeve and hem bands and lengthened
the hem to compensate and just cut the sleeves
where i wanted them and twin needled the hems.

also, i'm just wondering what ya'll do with your pictures in general. i take what seems like a bazillion pics just to get one or two where i don't look like a complete doofus. i try to make sure and delete the pics off my computer that i will definitely never use, but sometimes i'm in a hurry and think i'll come back to it later. guess what. i never do. 

the pattern's neck band was too long for this knit and it stuck out
all sorts of awkward. had to rip it out and redo. love that...
but now it's nice and profesh looking.

so now i have thousands of pictures of myself in iphoto, which makes me cringe every time i open the program because i HATE having my picture taken. i'm awkward, i don't photograph well, i'm super self-conscious, i don't know where to put my hands, ahhh!!!!

BAM! hand-made outfit!

right now i have to upload them to picasa first in order to put them on the blog. but it... takes... forever... and they're really hard to organize. i use flicker occasionally but only have a few pics there. i haven't come up with a good way of storing my pics, but i really have no need to keep them for the long-term if they're on the blog, right? i just don't know! what do you guys do????

—lisa g.


  1. separate hard drive. sounds completely vain to have one just for that... but you can store all of your pics there, and it's better for your computer's speed...

    i'm thinking of jumping ship too. i will probably do it in just the manner you described!!

    1. eek that sounds awful, and yet a good idea! and i find that all decisions are best made whilst under the influence... thinking rationally only leads to indecision!

  2. Hahahaha - I love how you posted a whole you-made outfit in the middle of your bloggity business!

    My word of advice: deal with those extra pictures now! When my old computer died over the summer and I tried to load everything I'd backed up onto my new one, I wasn't able to because of the TWELVE THOUSAND pictures in my iPhoto - most of them the stupid extra blog photos I always told myself I'd go through "later." Now all my old photos (including the ones I really want) are on an external hard disk, which means it's not so easy for me to access them. So from day one I made myself a rule: deal with those blog pix immediately! Once the post is up, the photos get deleted. No mercy!

    Also, I agree the whole Picasa thing is a PITA - I never ever look at or use Picasa, and I resent having all my blog post photos stored in there even though I don't want them - I'm now paying money just for that storage!

    But, I don't load my pix onto Picasa before I blog them. I just drag them from iPhoto to my desktop and then load them onto blogger from there. And of course, immediately drag them to the trash after the post is up.

    Which reminds me . . . I ought to empty that trash!

    1. glad you enjoyed it! i once read a book that had a completely different story in the footnotes than in the main txt... pretty sure i never finished it though!

      twelve thousand? oh boy, i'm not there yet, but i know it won't be long! i just need to get with it, get the family photos in albums and the blog pics gone. once i switch to word press i think it'll be easier for me to delete the pics and not worry about losing something!

  3. You and me both - in the blogger vs wordpress AND the pictures in iPhoto!! GAH! When you do switch... don't forget to let us know, ok? :)
    Great work on the neckline sewing in your lovely green top :) Good match with the thurlows and your fabulous knit jacket!

    1. thanks! and no worries... i will let ya'll know!

  4. blogger is annoying me too now. i don't how it handles photos, they never go where i want them and formatting is annoying. i've started importing all of the photos for a post, arranging them, and then typing around them, it's easier that way.

    is wordpress a lot better? i considered it when i first started my blog, but decided to keep it simple and went with blogger. let us know how the switch goes.

    i pull the raw photos off my camera into photoshop, delete whatever i don't like, save the ones i like onto my desktop in a folder and then upload to blogger, and then i delete those too after uploading them. so i don't have back up copies, but i'm not too worried about it. and i hate photos of myself. i was thinking about getting a remote for my camera though, that might help…

    1. i'm pretty sure i've learned blogger's little ticks about where pics go and such, if i knew html i'm sure i would have more freedom in formatting. alas, i'm not interested enough to learn it!

  5. Cute outfit... gah I love that blazer so much. Anyway, regarding the bloggingness, I use Wordpress and have never been sorry... I am not a fan of Blogger even for the reader-end of things. I am at the cusp of trying to figure out the same re: the photos. I upload the ones that go live onto Flicker, which I really like, but the ones on my desktop are starting to take up too much space. May have to go with the external HD too.

  6. oooh - pic help - you might want to cruise blogger help, photo albums. If you resize your pics to 800 pixels on the longest side, they do not count towards your Picasa Web Album free space! You can do this in Picasa (free download). I create a folder with the pics I've chosen for a post, then edit, resize, and so on with Picasa. And insert the edited pics directly into the post. In a year I've used less than 1% of my free space on PWA - mostly profile pics. Hope this is helpful!

  7. Oh man come over to wordpress already! LOL. I have bazillion pics in iPhoto too which I purge from time too. When my WP pic gallery gets full I'll buy some space because its so easy uploading and managing them in there. I've never used Picasa or Flickr or any other web pic hosting thingy ... easy is good for me :-)

  8. I use, which is different from, in that it's a blogging platform if you're hosting your own website. It's more powerful and customizable than .com, but takes more knowledge (which I don't have yet). But I keep seeing really sleek pages on blogger, which sometimes makes me envious!

    Once I've selected the best photos for my blog, I usually delete all the rejects. I might keep half of them for a while, but after a couple months I have no interest in 30 pictures taken at slightly different angles, so I trash them.

    The green of your shirt is really pretty!

  9. Maybe I'm totally out of it, but why do you have to upload your photos to Picasa first? I've always just uploaded my photos straight from iphoto. I upload and then delete. I don't save any backups unless it's something I really feel I'll need later- which is not much. I find blogger to be pretty easy and unfussy. I haven't really had a whole lot of trouble formatting posts, but then again I haven't really tried to change a lot about my blog since I started. Let us know how the switch goes. I'm very curious!

    1. i used to upload direct from iphoto but then blogger quit letting me! maybe i needed to resize my pics smaller, i don't really know. if i load to picasa then i can add pics from those albums. it seems lately every time i'm writing a post it isn't able to save my work right away, not always a problem but aggrivating when i want to save and come back. then there's the difficulty in commenting from a phone or ipad... i'll definitely let everyone know how it goes when i make the switch!

  10. Ha, do come over to the light side (I mean wordpress of course)! I really like the interface much more than the blogger one, and I like wordpress better as a reader too (I end up doing a lot of blog reading on my phone, and the wordpress mobile interface is so. much. better. than the blogger one). And the spam filter works really well too.
    Also, I'm a total iphoto purist - I curate my photos obsessively and don't let anything I don't want to keep forever stay in the library for more than a day. When I shoot a garment I put all the pics in iphoto to choose the good ones/crop/etc then I move the keepers to a folder on my desktop helpfully labelled "blog images" and delete all of them from iphoto. Eventually I move the blog pics to another folder sorted by year in my "sewing" folder, so I have them if necessary but they don't surprise me every time I open iphoto!


i appreciate all the feedback, but will no longer be responding to comments left here. i have moved all my content to wordpress (see link at the top of the page!) and will now be posting there. all my posts can be found in my wordpress archive. thanks for reading and please visit my new page!